Tuesday, 2 October 2012

What Are The Different Grants Available?

Grants can be of very much importance if received for the right cause. United States federal government allocates hundreds of thousand grants to people who need it desperately. Just imagine billions of dollars are given to pay for various needs of American citizens and most of this money is for free.
Now you must be thinking which type of funding will be suitable for me. There are many types of grants available with federal government and many other private funders. There around thousand types of various financial endowments to chose from according to your need. Some of them grants are:
Ø  Education grants: education grants are given to students who cannot afford to pay for their school or college expenses. Federal government and other private funders have come up with these student financialgrants . These student aids help student belonging to low or middle class achieve higher education easily.

Government started these programs so that they can improve the status of education and to help students who really want to study. There are specific education programs for women too where they can achieve college education and attain a bachelor’s degree. Educational funding is of two types:
o   Pell grant which is allocated to students who cannot afford to pay for their college. It is mostly granted to students belonging to families with low to moderate income. Most number of Pell grants is given to students whose family income per annum is around $30,000. But there is a catch.

The amount of pell grant is decided on the basis of difference between costs of college and expected family contribution, type of program, duration of academic year etc. These are mostly taken as tuition grants to pay for the college tuition fee. Anyone can apply for these educational grants; however students who are or were imprisoned for drug related crimes or sexual abuse has limited chances to get these grants.

o   Scholarships: Another type of education endowment is scholarships. These are given in form of awards to students who excel in academic, athletic or any other field. Scholarships are mostly given by schools, private organization, colleges, community or faith based organizations, nonprofit organizations, business houses, academic associations, literary associations etc.

You can get more information about them at your nearest library, museums, community hall, or websites of various organizations. Depending on your capability or quality you can get full or partial scholarship. Full scholarship pays for entire expenses of college for the full program including tuition fee, dormitory, books, or any other payments. But partial scholarships only pay for either tuition or books or dormitory.

Home grants
Ø  Personal grants: personal grants are the financial helps given to people who want to use it for their own personal needs. Needs which are justifiable like you won’t get grants if you have applied it to have new cable connection, new cloths, home makeovers or luxury items. Personal grants include various grants like education grants, home grants, health care grants etc. 

o   Housing grants: United States Department of Housing And Urban Development started this initiative under which government provides a sufficient amount of money to people who need to repair or modify their damaged properties. Under this program many people belonging to low income group were beneficiated.

These people got money in form of grants to repair their flooring, walls, roofing and chimneys. Generally these grants are not given directly to them but through some nonprofit organization or some government organization. It was because Department of Housing and Urban Development wanted to make sure that all the money is used for the purpose it was asked for and not any other reason.

o   Real estate grants: state government worried about decreasing economy and increasing rate of unemployment started this measure to attract businessmen and business organizations to expand their business in their state. This will generate more jobs and hence redundancy can be curbed. In this type of grant, land is given for free or on controlled prices to private companies and business organizations.

Not just new business organizations, state governments also help the existing business owners to expand their business and generate more jobs. State governments take help of the various communities to do this task conveniently.

o   Health care grants: health care grants are given to nonprofit organizations or private medical centers to improve health care facility in a particular area. It can be for expansion of the medical facility or to buy some new technology to provide better health care to citizens of United States.   

Ø  Business grants: business grants are given to business organizations, companies or businessmen to expand, introduce new technology, and start training sessions for its employees or to generate more jobs. Federal government has started one more initiative in this field- business grants for women. Women government grants a given as a reward to business women who has more than 51 percent share in any company or business organization.

o   Training grants: If any businessmen want to start a training program so that his workers can learn new techniques of business world he can seek business training grants. These training programs are very beneficial to increase the growth of the company and hence boosting the profits along with economy of United States.

o   Green business grants: green business grants are given to businessmen or business organizations who want to introduce methods to decrease industrial pollution and make environment better. These grants are also given to organization who determined towards increasing the use of green fuel and want to limit or decrease the consumption of fossil fuel. It also includes the companies who want to reduce the use of energy and follow sustainable development. Many organizations have become green with green business grants.
If you want more information regarding home grants, student financial grants, tuition grants, business grants or real estate grants then visit newusagrants.com. They will provide you all the information and assistance regarding these grants. Just fill out the form given on this website and get grants.

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